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People of Vyatka State University: Andrey Voronin

  • 10 May 2023, 15:19
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2468
Acquaintance with an employee of the Information Work and Communications Department, a teacher at the Department of Journalism and Integrated Communications opens a new rubric

The life of Andrei Voronin, as they say, is in full swing, being filled with completely different events and interests. While still at school, Andrei began to study history in depth and at the same time joined the family business, actively helping his parents in it.

He dealt with advertising and design issues, trained employees, developed methodological manuals - in general, he was fully involved in real work. Received higher education in the field of financial management; after some time he returned to the passion of his youth and entered the pedagogical direction of the Faculty of History. And subsequently Andrei did not stop learning, acquiring new knowledge and competencies.

At some point, he became interested in photography, and then video filming. Video content became so interesting that his own YouTube channel began to grow rapidly.

- The new experience gave me those competencies that have already become in demand at the Vyatka State University. This is video production, filming, editing, creating concepts for videos, scripts, including, - Andrei recalls the start of work at the university in September 2019.

A year later, a talented employee of the press service received an invitation to become a teacher at the Faculty of Philology and Media Communications - Andrey Sergeevich began to teach future journalists and advertisers in photo and video production, advertising and media design.


We managed to attend a class with second-year students: mastering the secrets of isolated photography turned into an exciting creative process, where each participant suggested, tried, expressed his opinion, and gave his own examples. And, of course, I listened attentively to my favorite teacher. At the end of the lesson, we asked Andrey Voronin a few questions.


- What gives you a teaching job?


   - The most important thing is communication with young people. I feed on their energy, get their enthusiasm. The second, as in that joke: the first time he explained - they did not understand, the second - they did not understand, the third time - they did not understand, the fourth - he already understood. During my time teaching, I rediscovered many things for myself. When you explain some material to someone, you yourself begin to understand it much better, discover something new for yourself, supplementing, loading this knowledge into yourself. Therefore, while teaching, I study myself - this is also very important: I have become much better at understanding many things.


- Do students put you in a dead end? Do they teach something?


- Undoubtedly. In general, this is my favorite story, because often students turn out to be of a very good level in the subject in which we are engaged, they have broad theoretical knowledge. We talk a lot about video production; we talk about cinema, about shooting techniques, about directing and camera work. And sometimes they really surprise!

Also, my favorite technique is to let students conduct classes. Basically, I learn something new from them and for myself. I do not agree when they say that each generation is worse than the previous one. Of course, there are people who do not need anything, who do not study well. But there are also completely different ones!


- Andrey, in the course of the lesson, you constantly encourage the children to be independent in their creativity, the ability to look at familiar things and phenomena from a different angle, breaking patterns. Here are some of your quotes: “We need to turn off templates”, “Why did we do this exercise? Then, in order for your brain to break the patterns on the go”, “You need to look for unusual conditions. If they are not there, then create them - this is the only way to revive the most boring shooting”, “Fantasy! There are a lot of options!”, “Monkey passion to climb into any hole should be in your brain.” Why do you find it so important? And isn't that the key to your own work and personality in general?


- Rather, yes. This is my personal approach. The most interesting thing happens where there is creative freedom. At the same time, you need to understand: there is a huge amount of system information that needs to be memorized, trained and done exactly according to the template. This is a toolkit that should be in hand. Consistency and developed tools give freedom of creativity. That is, when you have everything right in your hands, it works quickly, there is much more opportunity to apply it all. If you are technically equipped enough to take some kind of shot on the street in one second, if you are trained, then at that moment you have great opportunities, great freedom appears - this is how interesting shots turn out.


Andrei said that he is happy to join student projects.


- The guys shoot short films, make personal media projects. I try to help them, I participate directly somewhere; as an operator, for example. Some things have not yet been released, not published. They will come out. And I want more of them.


- Are you happy with the result?


   - Yes very. Very!


- So you enjoy your work? Do you feel like you belong?


   - Yes. And the pleasure, and the feeling of one's place is definitely there. Every time I come to couples - I'm interested and I want to be there.


It is great that these feelings of the teacher coincide with those that the students themselves spoke about. Here are their reviews:


"Classes with Andrey Sergeevich are a kind of outlet. This is the most creative discipline. Plus, I learn a lot here".

"Here, of course, all the elements of a classical university lecture are present, but at the same time there is a lot of practice. This is very helpful and interesting!"

"At the lesson, all students can join the process and, in fact, even supplement the information. And it is perceived qualitatively, overgrown with important details. We can all together be directly involved in the process of educating others in the classroom. This is great. You feel free in pairs".

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